A night out with the GMBA team & ESSEC Alumni to give you a taste of Paris!

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Dear GMBA participants,

You have come from long and far for the ESSEC GMBA program! Now it is time to get out of Cergy and discover your new home. In partnership with the Alumni Association, the GMBA team is taking you out for a taste of Paris. Through the eyes of an ESSEC Alumni, you will be able to once a month, eat and drink your way through the city of lights. Yes, Vegan options will ALWAYS be available! 

Our first installment of our Monthly Tastemakers Series will take us to :

Le Citizen Hotel in the 10th district of Paris to meet ESSEC Alumni Sophie Berdah 
on Friday October 12th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Le Citizen Hotel 

96 Quai de Jemmapes, 
75010 Paris


Sophie is the owner of not only the hotel but also one other hotel and one very successful vacation rental property in Paris and Ibiza. She will speak about her efforts to revitalize the district after the events of November 2015 and her work with local producers to provide a unique food and beverage option for her clients. Over a local wine tasting course given by Wine expert Antoine Erol, we will learn about her journey after ESSEC and she will be able to answer your questions on our unique Alumni Association. 


We also encourage you to take advantage of your trip to the 10th and discover some amazing trendy restaurants for dinner. 
A full list can be found on the hotel’s suggestion page

Housekeeping Details 
• Drinks and Tapas with vegan options are priced at 5 euros each
• Places are limited at 40 maximum so you must reserve in advance. If you reserve and cannot come please let us know
• Think ahead – UBER has group rates and early bird specials for your trip back to Cergy. 

We look forward to enhancing your student experience and assisting you in discovering or rediscovering Paris.

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