Conférence distancielle - La transformation à grande échelle

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Le Club ESSEC RH a le plaisir de vous convier à une conférence distancielle :

le  Mercredi 30 Septembre 2020  dans un format 18H - 19 H30

La transformation à grande échelle demeure une question cruciale pour nos organisations. Pour éclairer cette problématique nous vous proposons de découvrir  l’expérience  d’une démarche de réorganisation et de digitalisation de grande envergure à travers le témoignage du directeur de “l’expérience client” des services publics au Brésil .

Mercredi 30 Septembre à 18H Via Zoom

Digital User Centered Public Services : how to digitalize public services within a federal government organization?

  • Come discuss with Joelson Vellozo Jr., the Director of the Public Services User Experience Secretariat within the Federal Government of Brazil.

With a country 15 times bigger than France and almost 3 times the population, 26 states and one federal district, the access to federal services can be jeopardized. 

150 million Brazilians out of 210 are connected to internet, being the 5th country in the world in terms of connected people. The present Brazilian Government has given the Digital Governance Secretariat the challenge of digitalizing 1000 services in 2 years. Some of the projects such as vaccine, scholarships, creches represent Billions of economies… if accepted and used by citizens… 

How do you implement an effective digital transformation? 

How were the User Experience centered projects led? What lessons were taken?

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The debate will be led by an experienced moderator Ricardo PEREZ NUCKEL  (ESSEC 2000) Consultant & Expert Negotiation  and Change, based in Brazil


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