Webinar ENG - Surviving fast-paced careers : How to experience Work-Life balance without having to call in sick or quit ?

3 participants
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The ESSEC Alumni Career Department in partnership with Science Po Alumni and Arts et Métiers Alumni offers you the following webinar:

Surviving fast-paced careers : How to experience Work-Life balance without having to call in sick or quit ?

"Happiness at Work" and "Work-Life Balance" have grown in popularity over the last few years, but what does it take to achieve those when working over 60 hours per week? During the busiest times, how do we maintain our energy and performance levels? How to prevent the stress of the day from negatively affecting our personal life? 

If you would like to answer these questions and learn how to perform in your first years without putting yourself last, then this workshop is for you. Whether you are a final year master student, a recent graduate, or a senior professional already working, this workshop will provide you with practical methods to build a healthier and more balanced career on your terms. 

This workshop is a must if you want to: 

  • Learn how to build a successful career without sacrificing your health and wellbeing. 
  • Find a simple and balanced routine that fits your busy life once and for all. 

Learning outcomes: 

  • Confidently manage a self-care routine when time is limited. 
  • Establish a personalized "Self-care" routine that fits your schedule. 
  • Discover the energy levels needed for performance and a healthy life. 


  • 10 participants minimum. 50 participants maximum. 
  • Keep a notebook or journal nearby to take notes during the event. 
  • When attending the Zoom session: The best way to attend the workshop, access the pdf materials, and take notes is to log in from a computer or tablet (not a smartphone).

Speaker: Wafa Oubella

Wafa is a speaker, certified coach and a former New York investment banker. She holds a master's degree in finance from Sciences Po Paris. She left finance after becoming burned out and craving more meaning, to become a coach. Today, she helps her clients prevent burnout, transition to more fulfilling careers and build healthier lives in and out of the workplace. In addition, she helps them identify their available resources and take actions that suit their needs, wants, and demanding schedules.


66 vues Visites
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Diffusé sur : Carrière
Billet Fin de vente Restants Prix
Graduates: Lifetime or annual membership
Réservé : Cotisant, Diplômé, Utilisateur connecté
5,00 €
ESSEC Executive Education Participant
Réservé : Etudiant, Utilisateur connecté
Non contributing Graduates
Réservé : Utilisateur connecté
15,00 €
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