Webinar : Expand your career horizons and evaluate your options

25 participants et 1 intéressé
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Expand your career horizons and evaluate your options 

When you strive to grow professionally, whether you work for an organization or have your own business, on a regular basis you reach a fork in the road.  

In those moments, it’s usually not that easy to know which path to take.   

Either we are in the black and white mode: Like the song said, you ask yourself “Should I stay or should I go?”, which is a restrictive way of looking at the subject. Or we have so many ideas, it’s hard to decide which one to pick. Or we face an inner conflict or self-sabotaging thoughts that keep us stuck or small.  

As a result, we tend to go for what’s easy on the short term, but it doesn’t necessarily get us closer to what would fulfill us in reality.  

If you’re now facing that fork in the road, join us for this webinar to expand your horizons. It will give you the opportunity to take a critical look at your options, uncover new ones, and learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff among the various possibilities. 

Not available?

The webinar will be recorded so you can catch up later, but you’ll have a more interactive experience if you are with us live. So if you can join us, please do!

However, if you register but can’t make it, please let us know in advance, so we can ensure you’ll get the recording and the bonus.

Over the past two decades, O'ona Souissi has worked with senior professionals at blue chip companies and helped many people to reinvent their career internationally. She is a certified Executive Coach with a background in Global HR Development and Consulting, and an accredited member of the International Coach Federation. She coaches in English and French.

Get 3 key frameworks to clarify your options and make some critical decisions for your career at www.careeronpurpose.com.

The link will be sent by email on the same day.

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