Karaoke Night on the Reeperbahn

3 participants
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Dear Hamburg ESSEC Alumni community,

We are very pleased to invite you to our first long-awaited Karaoke Night on Thursday May 16th, 2024.

The event will start at 7:00 pm with a dinner at the Chinese restaurant Man Wah, a no-miss institution on the Reeperbahn - Spielbudenplatz 18, 20359 Hamburg.

At 8:30 pm, we will head towards LaserLoft VIP Karaoke - Spielbudenplatz 21, 20359 Hamburg for 1.5 hours of singing, fun and laughters! 


Please RSVP by registering on essecalumni.com or by sending me an email at anne-astrid.bourrat@essec.edu

Deadline to register for the event is Sunday, May 12th 

Restaurant - no pre-order required, everyone will pay separately.

Karaoke - the room has been prebooked. Max. number of participants is 12. A participation will be required and can be paid either in cash or by Paypal. The final price will depend on the number of participants (fixed fee to be split) and will be confirmed on the day of the event. Estimated price between 11€ and 25€

Looking forward to seeing you there!

📸: ESSEC Alumni may use photos and videos taken during this event in its various communication media (brochures, newsletters, articles, Reflets magazine, social media, websites, etc.). If you do not wish to be filmed or photographed, please inform us by e-mail (matthieu.colet@essec.edu) before the event.

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Man Wah restaurant (and then LaserLoft VIP Kararoke)

Spielbudenplatz 18 (and then 21) 20359 HAMBURG

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