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General Assembly 2021: A New Collective Ambition

ESSEC Alumni News





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The ESSEC Alumni General Assembly was held on Thursday 24 June. More than 200 people were there, attending both in person at the Institut Catholique de Paris as well as online. Here’s the low down.

Click on the links below to go straight to different sections of the report:
Our Strategy
Growing Uptake of Our Services Following the Pandemic
Growing Convergence Between ESSEC and ESSEC Alumni
2 Ambitious Projects
Our Business Model
3 Key Quotes to Remember…

The general assembly was an opportunity to present ESSEC Alumni’s progress report, the report on our annual accounts, and the external auditor report for the 2020 financial year. 5 alumni read the Association Manifesto. These presentations were followed by a Q&A session. Voting members then heard the session’s eight resolutions, passing them all. They also filled the six open positions on the Board of Directors, electing from a selection of 20 candidates:

- Olivier Cantet (E87) - 253 votes

- Christophe Dubail (M98) - 179 votes

- Géraldine Segond (E00) - 241 votes

- Adrien Sommier (EXEC PROG MS 10) - 230 votes

- Barbara Steinert (E96) - 177 votes

- Lou Welgryn (E18) - 190 votes

The assembly held a moment of silence for the victims of the pandemic, most notably Mahamadou Sako (E85), former president of ESSEC Alumni, and Olivier Regnault de Premesnil (E78), who chaired the last ESSEC Spirituality ceremony.

Our Strategy

The four pillars of our strategy strike a balance between the individual and the collective:

INSPIRE: We would like to share the inspiring careers of ESSEC graduates, with a special focus on those with an atypical career path.

CONNECT: Connecting means leveraging the full collective intelligence of our communities – within each club, chapter, and group – as well as encouraging synergies.

SUPPORT: We offer support to people going through all kinds of professional transitions, and we have been seeing an explosion in demand due to a growing number of alumni facing dead-ends in their careers or reaching burn-out, right in the middle of the pandemic.

TOGETHER TO ACT: Every day, we see that connections are stronger when we do things together. And it’s even better when it’s for the common good.

Growing Uptake of Our Services Following the Pandemic

On a monthly basis, our Key Performance Indicators (KPI) measure the development of our reputation, the use of our services, and our image among ESSEC graduates. The first few months of 2021 saw a number of records set, both in terms of activity in our French and overseas communities, and use of our services.

Students are learning about how useful the network can be thanks to our presence on the Cergy and La Défense campuses, and the students that use our services are very happy with them (89% satisfaction rate). Our aim for 2021/22 is to boost our communications to get more word out about our services, and reach a larger number of students.

By the end of May 2021, Career Services had already received as many requests for support as in all of 2020. Most requests were about looking for work and developing a career plan. Lifelong learning (Lifelong Learning) took on a whole new importance: it’s one of the best projects launched this year, in partnership with ESSEC Executive Education.

Growing Convergence Between ESSEC and ESSEC Alumni

The ESSEC Transition Alumni Club illustrates the mission the school has set itself: to train our leaders in something bigger than mere economic interest, to overcome the major challenges facing our world.

Our brand platform and our Manifesto express our ties to the school, as well as our specific role.

2 Ambitious Projects

DIGITAL STRATEGY: We have regained lost ground, but now we need to get one step ahead. We want to create an “online home”: serving ever more alumni without increasing the total cost, and all while offering high quality services all around the world.

MAISON DES ESSEC: The internet is amazing, but something would be missing if we didn’t have somewhere where we could all get together. We have found some great opportunities to “move house” in 2022, and begin gradually making a home for future ESSEC generations.

Our Business Model

Imagine how 2020 could have been without lifetime membership: the same explosion in demand for our services due to the pandemic, but a permanent team that was always on the back foot, engrossed in trying to bring in annual subscriptions.

Today, our income relies on lifetime memberships, and our expenses are well-managed, while acknowledging that lockdown has helped to keep some costs down temporarily. We strive towards prudent, healthy management, so that we can manage the vagaries of the future while enhancing the quality and accessibility of our services in France and overseas.

3 Key Quotes to Remember…

If today we are victorious, it’s because the whole extended family has been pulling together” - Olivier Cantet (E87), President of ESSEC Alumni

ESSEC has always known when to sidestep to keep moving forwards. What will be our next sidestep?”  - Vincenzo Vinzi, dean and president of ESSEC Group

Our Manifesto is our bible, a reminder of our fundamentals that (re)connects us with the common good to inspire and direct our actions” - Stéphanie Jossermoz (E94), Director General of ESSEC Alumni


You may also watch the replay (in French)

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