馃崗 Food Fresk - a fun, collaborative workshop on the environmental, health and social issues linked to your food

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It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the Food Fresk:

Thursaday 4th of April

from 8pm to 11pm (UTC +8) // 9pm to 12am (UTC + 9) // 1pm to 4pm (CET)

Online | in English

The event is limited to 8 participants

The connexion link will be sent to participants prior to the event

Each week, we have at least 14 times’ possibilities to contribute to a more sustainable world, using our food as opportunities.

The food fresk can let you:

  • Have a global vision of the consequences of our food over the human beings and the environment.
  • Better define the principles of a healthy and sustainable food regime: more plant based, local, bio, seasonal…
  • Engage individually and collectively for a more sustainable food system thanks to concrete objectives.

This workshop of 3 hours is on 4 phases:

  1. Ice-breaker - 15 mins
  2. Facts - 1h30mins: reflection together about our consummation of food (meat, fish, cereals, transformed food, vegetables, fruits, …) thanks to different carts, quiz, and games
  3. Action levers - 30 mins: various actions and links with systematic impacts (climate, biodiversity, health, resilience)
  4. Engagement - 30 mins

Participants have to be with a computer (not a phone or a pad) to be able to participate in the workshop and manipulate the cards. 


Please folow this link for registration

This event is also open to ESSEC Executive Education students and participants.

Image rights 

ESSEC Alumni may distribute photos and videos taken during the event in its various communication media (brochures, newsletters, articles, Reflets magazine, social media, websites, etc.). If you do not wish to be filmed or photographed, please let us know by e-mail (sounya.kiniffo@essec.edu) before the event.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

ESSEC Alumni

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