Webinar Strategic networking

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How to accelerate your career with a strong power base – even when you hate networking. 

If you will remain invisible to the people who matter, your efforts won’t be recognized as they should.
The issue is, you already know that you should network more, but something has been preventing you from doing it.

- Maybe you see networking as schmoozing, and you don’t want to become that way.

- Perhaps you have neglected your network, and you’re unsure how to revive it.

- Or you have a pretty good network, but not one that can truly help you for your new target.

- Besides, you’re probably very busy, and you’re afraid of the time commitment.

- Or you have a hard time approaching people, especially with the idea that you’re trying to get something from them.

Sounds familiar? It doesn’t have to be that way. You can change the way you approach networking, and it will change the game for your career.

Learn how to quickly create the power base you need to open doors – even when you hate networking!

Over the past two decades, O'ona Souissi has worked with senior professionals at blue chip companies and helped many people to reinvent their career internationally. She is a certified Executive Coach with a background in Global HR Development and Consulting, and an accredited member of the International Coach Federation. She coaches in English and French.

Get 3 key frameworks to clarify your options and make some critical decisions for your career at www.careeronpurpose.com.

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