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Zar: Game changer




As expats in San Francisco, Tom Wiltberger (E18) and Jean-Baptiste Reyt (E17) launched Zar, a training platform for casual and competitive e-sport gamers. 

Jean-Baptiste Reyt and Tom Wiltberger have always been tech-savvy. The former used to work for Ubisoft. The latter first created a marketplace of MOOC for gamers. “I was contacting semi-pro players of any competitive game. I helped them create their own MOOC: from scripts to video editing, marketing, user base management, etc.

Zar is his second venture in the e-sport industry. The platform uses data analytics and machine learning algorithms to provide players with personalized and optimized training programs. “Discover which skills you should improve, challenge yourself in each game and get rewarded for your perseverance and success!” Gamers enter a progression system updated in real-time, unlock achievements along the way, and share their accomplishments with their peers. They also get key insights on their enemies. 

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Image : © Florian Gagnepain on Unsplash

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